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Letter of Invitation

You are invited to join us in changing how Californians garden.

California Native Garden Foundation is an educational, research, and resource organization created to provide viable alternatives to current garden practices. Our mission is to demonstrate the beauty, garden worthiness, ecological appropriateness, and economic reasons for gardening with natives, to advance knowledge about native plants, and to increase their availability.

With your support, the Foundation can:

  • offer classes, field trips, lectures, garden tours, and publications on ecology, garden design, plant identification, garden building, and garden management
  • introduce new native plant selections to the public
  • create demonstration gardens based on native plant communities

On behalf of everyone at the Foundation, I encourage your support in promoting gardening that not only preserves our depleted natural resources, but also eliminates harmful pesticides and insecticides, and protects the health of our soils, plants, wildlife, and humans. Thank you for your consideration.


Alrie Middlebrook


Become a Member

To become a California Native Garden Foundation member, complete this online registration form, or call 408-292-9993.

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