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Plant Communities
California Native Gardens by Plant Community
Riparian Gardens
Riparian woodlands follow permanent water courses. You can create a beautiful riparian feature in the garden by adding a waterfall to an existing water source. On this steep slope, moisture-loving perennials that accompany year round water include the umbrella-like leaves of Indian Rhubarb (Darmera peltata) and the lacy leaves of Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina).
Redwood/Riparian Garden with Indian Rhubarb, Five Fingered Fern and Flowering Currant
The owner of this site was initially interested in having a retaining wall constructed to control the erosion of the surrounding steep cliff onto a created road. The designer chose what is now described as an eco-engineered solution instead. Large granite boulders were brought in to build a recirculating waterfall. The waterfall is lined with heavy-duty plastic vinyl. The housing for the pump and electrical is conveniently tucked away in a created mineshaft façade. California native plants indigenous to the Redwood forest were planted in the niches formed by the boulders. Ten years later, this waterfall garden looks like it has always been there.
Dry Creek/Riparian Community with Giant Chain Fern
Previously, the winter rains flowed down the paved driveway and across a swale to the property's lower elevations on this hillside of a second growth Douglas Fir and Coastal Redwoods forest located in the Santa Cruz Mountains. The natural swale was chosen to build a creek feature with a re-circulating pump and vinyl liner. Subsequently, rainy season run-off from the driveway naturally flows into this creek bed. Cobbles and large boulders were inter-planted with selected understory plants from the Redwood and Mixed Evergreen Woodland community. Featured prominently in this photo is a Giant Chain Fern. This is our largest California fern and may reach 6' by 6' at maturity.
Riparian Plant Specimens
Physocarpus capitatus
Fast-growing, deciduous shrub to 10 feet high with shreddy bark, currant-like leaves, and globe-shaped heads of white flowers followed by bright red seed pods. Flowers are like small single roses. Needs some shade and summer water.
California Grape
Vitis californica 'Roger's Red'
Fast-growing deciduous riparian woody vine with rounded leaves that turn brilliant shades of red in late fall.
Western Spicebush
Calycanthus occidentalis
Fast-growing, deciduous shrub to 12 feet high with spice-scented leaves and bark. Dark red, waterlily-like flowers in summer. Needs summer water and tolerates high shade.